On Saturday 19th March a group of six botanists form the South Lincolnshire Flora Group braved the north-east wind to record plants in Heckington. We started in the car-park of the famous eight-sailed windmill, and found an interesting area of waste-ground behind it which kept us occupied for quite some time. There was an interesting mix of ruderals and garden throw-outs, including a single very healthy-looking plant of Spanish-dagger
Yucca gloriosa. It was too early to record s
ome potentially interesting species, such as a Lamb's-lettuce
Valerianella sp. and an Evening-primrose
Oenothera sp., but the rather fine grass, which initially looked like a rather weak Red Fescue, was identifiable and proved to be Rat's-tail Fescue
Vulpia myuros, which was last recorded from the same location in 1975 by Miss. E. Gibbons.
A puzzling ragwort
Senecio will need a return visit to be sure of its identity - the leaf shape was reminiscent of Oxford Ragwort
Senecio squalidus, but it was too hairy. On further examination it seems to have characteristics of both
S. squalidus and Groundsel
S.vulgaris, so could possibly be their hybrid,
S x baxteri. However, to be sure of this, it will be necessary to see whether the flowers have ray-florets, and whether any viable achenes are produced!
We recorded many of the usual suite of urban species while walking through the streets of the village, but a couple of plants of flowering Rocket
Eruca vesicaria subsp.
sativa were a bit of a surprise. The appeared to be self-seeded in an area formerly planted as a herb garden, but now neglected. Other highlights of the street flora included rather frequent patches of naturalised Glory-of-the-snow
Scilla forbesii, two populations of Spotted Medick
Medicago arabica (one of which was in exactly the same spot where Malcolm Pool recorded it in 2001) and a good population of Hart's-tongue Fern
Asplenium scolopendrium on the north-facing wall of Heckington Hall.
Flowering Rocket |
Although the cemetery looked rather well-groomed, the grassland had areas of interest. There was a significant population of Common Wood-rush
Luzula campestris, just coming into flower, as well as a scatter of species such as Ox-eye Daisy
Leucanthemum vulgare, Sweet Violet
Viola odorata, Primrose
Primula vulgaris, Cowslip
Primula veris and Sorrel
Rumex acetosa. A semi-naturalised population of Green Snowdrop
Galanthus woronowii prompted some discussion on snowdrop identification. Unfortunately the churchyard was significantly less interesting botanically, but we made up for that by exploring the interior, which has one of the finest stained-glass windows in Britain.
All-in-all it was a satisfying day, both botanically and culturally. We recorded in two tetrads, and found 155 species (90 new) in TF14L and 110 (38 new) in TF14M. I can also recommend the tea room at Heckington Windmill where we had both lunch and afternoon tea - very necessary in the rather cool and grey conditions.